Prof. Architect Amnon Bar Or – General Manager and Owners
Born in 1951. Established his independent firm “Amnon Bar Or Architects Ltd.” in 1990. General Manager and owners ever since.
Email: amnon@baror-arc.com

Architect Tal Gazit – Partner
Born in 1980. Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Haifa Technion (2009).
Joined the office in 2009. Associate Partner since 2012. Partner since 2016
Email: talgazit@baror-arc.com
Edna Goldman – Office Manager
Office Manager Edna Goldman – Joined the office in 2018.
Email: office@gmail.com
Architect Na’ama Vaidman-Porat
Born in 1983, graduated from The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technion (2009).
Email: naamap@baror-arc.com